RM-3 High Desnsity Residential
This is a fragment of the resolution 112-2003 modified by resolutions 235-2005 and 28-2012
The Land Use Zone RM-3 is conceived to regulate residential buildings.
Allowed Uses
Apartment buildings modification.
Maximum Density
Up to 1,500 persons by hectare
Minimum Lot Area
Minimum Lot Frontage
Minimum Lot Depth
Maximum Height
Depending on Density
Maximum Occupancy Area
100% of the construction area with setbacks, on the ground floor.
Side Setbacks
1.50m in service areas
2.50m in inhabitable areas
None with blind walls facing to the neighbour on the ground floor + 5 floors.
Rear Setback
None with blind walls facing to the neighbour on the ground floor + 5 floors.
5.00m at the tower
Apply the options of Resolution No. 188-93
Front Setback (Construction Line)
The stablished or 5.00m minimum for new projects, from the Property Line.
Parking Spaces
Detached houses, two-family houses, semi-detached houses or row houses:
2 spaces for house
Up to 50m2 of construction area: 1 space
Up to 125m2 of construction area: 1 space and 10% for visitors.
Up to 160m2 of construction area: 1 space, 25% for visitors and 20% for optional sale to residents.
Up to 200m2 of construction area: 2 spaces, 25% for visitors and 20% for optional sale to residents.
Up to 400m2 of construction area: 2 spaces, 25% for visitors and 30% for optional sale to residents.
More than 400m2 of constrution area: 3 spaces, 25% for visitors and 30% for optional sale to residents.
Porcentaje de área libre del lote:
Porcentaje de área verde:
35% del área libre del lote